Friday, January 11, 2013

What's the big deal?

What kind of music do you listen too? What TV shows or movies do you watch? Do you think these things can effect your perspective on your life or life in general? What about affecting how you feel about yourself? I think it can.

We have all heard it said and we know it to be true, the models you see in those magazines at the grocery check out, are all air brushed to make them look beyond perfect. I get it. But the fact is, they do look BEYOND perfect. Huge newsflash NO ONE is perfect, not one of us. Even that perfect "looking" model feels imperfect in some way. But again, this perception can effect how we feel about ourselves. It effected me for a LONG time!!! I finally had to stop buying them and get passed it.

I wondered for a long time, GOD, why, why can't I stop my swearing? Lord I love you, and I am following you, why does this tongue still want to drop F-bombs?  Well, when we surround our self with rated R movies and music that is filled with filthy lyrics, we are bound to stay in our ways. It's hard to change that about ourselves when we are wrapped up in it.

Some things that I have certainly changed in the last couple years that have REALLY effected me in such a POSITIVE way, I changed the TV shows I watch and the types of movies I see. If it's rated R, I typically try to stay away from seeing it. I know that rated R usually means F this and F that, and the F word in a movie 100 different times is just ridiculous to me. You think I am kidding, next time you sit down to a rated R movie, have a notebook and pen, and tally how many swear words they use, it's rather insane. Then pop in PG-13 movie where they use 10 swear words and it's just as good :) My point is, I don't need any ADDED junk in my life, I have enough! SO by cutting out pointless magazine reading, cutting out the filthy language in movies, and questionable scenes and topics in certain TV shows, and music, I really feel a load has lifted from me.

I have replaced the little bit of reading I would do to bible reading, I have switched most all my music listening to christian, uplifting music (before you judge it, ask me for some recommendations, it's come a LONG way), and now, I stay within in the PG-13 ratings for movies. I know I am an adult, but I also know where I struggle and what I need to eliminate!

Now with my body image, while I know I need to work on that, now I know it's for me, and not for everyone else. I feel like I was stuck in this prideful mindset for so long about my body image, and for so long I was so INTO reading the check out magazines. Little changes make a big difference. I changed what I was watching and listening too, and what do you know, I don't see myself having a problem with swearing anymore.

NOW, let's not forget, I did not do this alone. I was in prayer over these things and still am, and I know that GOD has been my strength all along the way. That's what is so absolutely amazing about walking with GOD, you are NEVER walking alone. HE wants to fight for you, he wants you to be free from what holds you back from having a close relationship with him. Isn't that refreshing and beautiful? I think so.

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