Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sweet Surrender

As a Christian, as a "Christ FOLLOWER" we are called to surrender it ALL to him! ALL - that is a big, huge word, and if I am being totally honest, it's really hard to let go. Do we honestly think that WE can do better than what God would do in our lives? When we still hold onto things, it means we are still depending on ourselves to help deliver us, but when we let it go, and give it to him, that means that we are completely trusting that no matter what the outcome, God is in CONTROL and that HE will deliver us!!

I had a situation that started last May, and it was a big, life changing situation. See, 8 years ago, I would have had NO problem doing what we did, and I would have never prayed over it with a prayerful heart and I would have NEVER surrendered it, ever. But, because I have come to know the Lord, and have come to TRUST in him, he has been showing me more and more!

I was very prayerful about this situation, and had found out that we would need to do somethings that go against what I believe in order for it to workout - this was how the system worked (sounded way too backward to me). I prayed and prayed; asking God what I was to do. I heard him say "surrender... surrender what you have and I will take hold."

I remember when we had made that decision - the decision to LET GO - it was a sweet moment. And I can tell you, from that point, to today, when it all ended, I never once was caught up in a worry moment. I was at complete peace that God was in control, COMPLETE control. There were quite a few hiccups along the way and I felt satan come in, and TRY hard to get me scared, worried and nervous. But you know what, I stopped, and would pray, "God you have had this from the start - I have put my complete faith and trust in you over this, whatever the outcome, I am prepared for it and I know that no matter the outcome, the outcome came from you!!"

It was as tho, this wasn't my problem anymore, I was just here as a representative, (laugh) does that make sense. I was completely delivered from any worry or fear. As everything came to a close today, I stood in awe, "that's it, we are done? it was really soooooo smooth".  I know I said there were hiccups, but that was to be expected, it could have gone SO MUCH WORSE - this was a dream compared to how it COULD have been. Had I done this on my own, without the complete surrender, it would have been a nightmare and I am MOST certain of that!!!!

I really can not THANK God enough for all that his hand was on in the last 9 months - This is the second time now, that I have surrendered two MAJOR issues to him and the outcome was just SWEET! SO I have to call this "sweet surrender". If there is something holding you down, if there is something you haven't given him, stop right now, and pray for it - pray for the complete surrender. He wants to take that from you, he wants to ease your load!!! Pray for God's will to be done, no matter what, and it HONESTLY will be done.

Really, I don't want to stope typing, I am just so over joyed with what he is doing in my life, run after your Sweet Surrender today, it's really that SWEET!

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